IMPORTANT PERSONALITY PLEASE READ THEIR BIOGRAPHY I am actually writing this article to point out all the important personalities about whom everyone should read But most importantly. I should read about all these people. 1. Bhagat Singh(Freedom fighter) 2. Subhash Chandra Bose(Freedom fighter) 3. Chandra Shaker Ajad(Freedom fighter) 4. Uddham Singh(Freedom fighter) 5. Param Hansch(Spiritual) 6. Swami Vivek Ananda(Spiritual) 7. B R AMBEDKAR(WRITER OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION) 8. Mahatama Gandhi 9. Jawahar Lal Nehru 10. Stalin 11. Lenin 12. Jorj W Boose(American President) 13. J R D TATA(Indian Philanthropist/Businessman) 14. Ashoka The King 15. Buddha(Spiritual) 16. Patel (Indian Prime minister) 17. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 18. Chanakya 19. Prophet Mohmad 20. Jhangir 21. Aurangzeb 22. Prithvi Raj Chuhan 23. Valangaiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri 24. Bal ganga dhar tilak 25. Subhash Chandra Bose 26. Subhash Chandra Bose 27. Subhash Chandra Bose 28. Subhash Chandra Bose 29. Su...